Thursday, January 3, 2008


Folks, I am a scant two hours into this whole blogging thing, and already I am engaging in the time honored blog pastime of calling out writers for their inaccurate and imprecise language. Unfortunately, the writer I am calling out is myself. In my previous post I called my second round pick of Matt Holliday a sleeper. This is a barefaced lie. By definition, a legitimate second round pick, which Holliday was last year, is not a sleeper. The author responsible for this disgraceful abuse of the beautiful and sacred English language deserves to hang from the yardarms before being drawn and quartered. I apologize profusely for my monumental lapse in judgment. An example of a real sleeper I picked last year was Tom Gorzelanny, who offered a fine return on the 256th pick of the draft I utilized on him (while lying on a hospital bed recuperating from appendicitis - but that's a story for my other blog on intestinal medical problems "smack of ham in digestive organs"), or Jose Valverde, whom I claimed off of the free agent list before the start of the season.

And to conclude, the first in a sporadic series of factoids dedicated to Emerson Boozer. Today's fun fact about the predecessor to today's notable Boozers (Carlos, and um, well mainly just Carlos of the Utah Jazz):
in 1967 with the New York Jets, Emerson led the league in rushing/receiving touchdowns with 14 despite only getting 131 touches.

Find out more about Emerson Boozer here.

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